I choose architecture in cinmea. Cinema is one of the better representation of architecture on the big and snmall screen. as many can it depends on the type of art that each director like to use. For examples Tim Burton, wes Anderson.
In the example of the tim burtons I would add like Gothic and deformed style like the next ones:

This image is from a movie of the adams

This image is from the Batman movie
And you will see more gothic style like in Charlie and Chocolate factory and beatlejuice.
The next imgaes are from Wes Anderson movies Like grand hotel budapest and fantastic mr fox. he base on classical approach with a colorful palet of colors and very vibrate especially in houses.

this could be describe as camouflage architecture in the movie fantastic mr fox.

and for last the grand hotel budapest it goes with classical architecture looking victorian.
This are best examples of architecture in movies that I could thing and by far the best representation in my opinion cause this movies are great.