Maintenance, Repair, and Craftsmanship
Maintenance tasks often include replacing old, rotten wood with newer, stronger wood. Even though the process of preserving a cultural heritage building is time-consuming, integrity is a top priority. When environmental integrity is at risk in your construction project consultfor their expertise to deal with debris and hazardous materials.
When contractors preserve a building, they often use the same craftsmanship, textures, and styles used in the original build. Naturally, it takes a little longer than a normal home renovation to achieve the desired outcome. especially if it has fallen into disrepair over a long period of time

the following image is form the archituture called «Four Seasons» I use this image as an example because it shows a really old and fancy house of back of the 19 century. This houses are very common known to be repair with special material and lots of their working materials still noncommonand as wood amd they had been remodled to this century.
The purpose of the architect is to preserve, protect and maintain cultural heritage. In order to do so, his work must be based on catalogues containing good architectural and natural materials that may be found in a place. The purpose of the architect is to preserve, protect and maintain cultural heritage. In order to do so, his work must be based on catalogues containing good architectural and natural materials that may be found in a place.
According to the researchers catalogues are among the most important cultural assets in a society. They represent a tradition, culture and identity of a people. Catalogues also represent our wealth and riches. Therefore, we must work to protect them and share these documents with the younger generations so they can learn about their heritage and use their knowledge to create something new.